For Sustainable & Reliable Evolution

Energy Audit

What is Energy Audit?

Energy today has become a key factor in deciding the product cost at micro level as well as in dictating the inflation and the debt burden at the macro level. Energy cost is a significant factor in economic activity at par with factors of production like capital, land and labour. The imperatives of an energy shortage situation calls for energy conservation measure, which essentially mean using less energy for the same level of activity. Energy Audit attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use and serves to identify all the energy streams in the systems and quantifies energy usages according to its discrete function. Energy Audit helps in energy cost optimization, pollution control, safety aspects and suggests the methods to improve the operating & maintenance practices of the system. It is instrumental in coping with the situation of variation in energy cost availability, reliability of energy supply, decision on appropriate energy mix, decision on using improved energy conservation equipment’s. Instrumentation’s and technology.

Objectives of Energy Audit

The Energy Audit provides the vital information base for overall energy conservation program covering essentially energy utilization analysis and evaluation of energy conservation measures. It aims at:
  • Identifying the quality and cost of various energy inputs.
  • Assessing present pattern of energy consumption in different cost centers of operations.
  • Relating energy inputs and production output.
  • Identifying potential areas of thermal and electrical energy economy.
  • Highlighting wastage’s in major areas.
  • Fixing of energy saving potential targets for individual cost centers.
  • Implementation of measures for energy conservation & realization of savings.

Preliminary Energy Audit

The Preliminary Energy Audit focuses on the major energy suppliers and demands usually accounting for approximately 70% of total energy. It is essentially a preliminary data gathering and analysis effort. It uses only available data and is completed with limited diagnostic instruments. The PEA is conducted in a very short time frame i.e. 1-3 days during which the energy auditor relies on his experience together with all the relevant written, oral visual information that can lead to a quick diagnosis of the plant energy situation. The PEA focuses on the identification of obvious sources of energy wastage’s. The typical out put of a PEA is a set of recommendations and immediate low cost action that can be taken up by the department head.

Detailed Energy Audit

The detailed audit goes beyond quantitative estimates of costs and savings. It includes engineering recommendations and well-defined project, giving due priorities. Approximately 95% of all energy is accounted for during the detailed audit. The detailed energy audit is conducted after the preliminary energy audit. Sophisticated instrumentation including flow meter, flue gas analyzer and scanner are use of compute energy efficiency.

The entire recommendations would be backed up with techno-economic calculations including the estimated investments required for implementation of the suggested measures and simple payback period. Measurement would be made using appropriate instrumentation support for time lapse and continuous recording of the operational parameters.

FAQs about Perpetual Free Energy Audit Scheme:

What it includes?

Bill Review & suggestions, solar capacity calculation, suggestions on major issues, a physical survey of unit in Nagpur within 100km area, beyond this it will be on telephonic or virtual or expense based. This Audit is close to preliminary energy audit.

Is Report a part of this Audit?

Report will be provided generic with respect to recommendations and specific with respect to calculations

Who is eligible?

Any unit in with less than 500KVA contract demand

What are the gains for the Client?

Client will come to know saving potential for the unit, areas with higher savings. Based on this he can decide whether it will be beneficial to conduct a Preliminary or Detailed Audit.

How to Apply?

You can apply for the free energy audit by sending email or calling the number given on our website. Based on that you will be guided after confirming the eligibility.

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